4. Citing WecOptToolΒΆ

If WecOptTool has been significant in your research, and you would like to acknowledge the project in your academic publication, we suggest citing the following paper:

  • Coe, R.G., Bacelli, G., Olson, S., Neary, V.S., Topper, M.B.R. (2020). Initial conceptual demonstration of control co-design for WEC optimization. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. DOI: 10.1007/s40722-020-00181-9.

In BibTeX format:

@article{       Coe2020initial,
 author       = {Ryan G. Coe and Giorgio Bacelli and Sterling Olson and Vincent S. Neary
                 and Mathew B. R. Topper},
 doi          = {10.1007/s40722-020-00181-9},
 journal      = {Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy},
 title        = {Initial conceptual demonstration of control co-design for {WEC} optimization},
 year         = {2020}