
pyCactus also includes a number of scripts for manipulating CACTUS run cases and output data.

usage: [-h] [--clean] [--copy-output] [--no-field]
                            [--no-wakeelem] [--no-wall]
                            case_path output_path

Copy a CACTUS case directory without output data.

By default, no output data is copied (file matching the following patterns are


Flags may be used to copy output data (see help).

positional arguments:
  case_path      path to original case.
  output_path    path to copied case directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --clean        delete existing directory if it exists!
  --copy-output  copy output data.
  --no-field     ignore field data (only used if --copy-output).
  --no-wakeelem  ignore wake element data (only used if --copy-output).
  --no-wall      ignore field data (only used if --copy-output).

usage: [-h] [--delete]
                           [--wakeelem_fnames_pattern WAKEELEM_FNAMES_PATTERN]
                           [--field_fnames_pattern FIELD_FNAMES_PATTERN]
                           [--path_to_pyCactus PATH_TO_PYCACTUS]
                           case_path case_name output_path

Convert CACTUS wake node and grid data files from CSV to VTK using pyCactus and
pyCactusWake modules.

The wake node data is moved to '/WakeElemVTK' and the field data to '/FieldVTK'.
Recursive glob is used to find wake element data and field data matching the
default patterns specified in CactusRun.

However, alternate search patterns may also be specified using:


positional arguments:
  case_path             path to CSV files to be converted.
  case_name             prefix of output files, e.g.
  output_path           desired output path for VTK files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --delete              delete original CSV files after converting.
  --wakeelem_fnames_pattern WAKEELEM_FNAMES_PATTERN
                        glob pattern for wake element data files.
  --field_fnames_pattern FIELD_FNAMES_PATTERN
                        glob pattern for wake field data files.
  --path_to_pyCactus PATH_TO_PYCACTUS
                        path to pyCactus module directory (e.g., '~/Repos
                        /CACTUS-tools/'). This must be specified if pyCactus
                        is not installed (is not available in the Python path)

usage: [-h] [--t_start T_START] [--t_end T_END]
                            pvd_filename pvd_filename_new

Extracts a time subset from a ParaView collection file (.pvd) given a range of
timesteps and writes it to a new .pvd file.

positional arguments:
  pvd_filename       path to *.pvd
  pvd_filename_new   path to new *.pvd file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --t_start T_START  time before which to clip *.pvd file.
  --t_end T_END      time after which to clip *.pvd file.

usage: [-h]
                              [--walldata_fnames_pattern WALLDATA_FNAMES_PATTERN]
                              case_path case_name output_path

Convert CACTUS wall data files in a given directory from TecPlot structured 
to VTK format. The wall data is written to a folder called wallVTK.

By default, expects that the wall data filenames match the patterns:

Another pattern may be specified using --walldata_fnames_pattern.

VTK does not support multi-block time-series data, so each block is written to a
separate data file. Also write accompanying .pvd collection files.

positional arguments:
  case_path             path to TP files to be converted.
  case_name             prefix of output files, e.g.
  output_path           desired output path for VTK files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --walldata_fnames_pattern WALLDATA_FNAMES_PATTERN
                        glob pattern for wall data files.