import os
import time as pytime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from warnings import *
from common_utils import load_data, get_file_time
[docs]class CactusWakeElems(object):
"""Class for manipulating wake element data from CACTUS.
filenames : list
Filenames (str) of wake element data files.
num_times : int
Number of timesteps of wake element data.
times : list
List of times (float) of wake element data.
fdict : dict
A dictionary of `{time : fname}`.
[docs] def __init__(self, filenames,
"""Initializes the instance."""
self.filenames = filenames
self.num_times = len(filenames)
self.times = []
self.fdict = {}
# read the file headers for times
if read_headers:
tic = pytime.time()
print 'Read %d wake element data headers in %2.2f s' %\
pytime.time() - tic)
[docs] def get_df_inst(self, time=None, fname=None):
"""Gets the data from a specified time or filename.
Either the time or the filename must be specified.
time : Optional[float]
The time at which to extract the dataframe.
fname : Optional[str]
The filename to read (defaults to self.fdict[time]).
df_inst : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame of the time.
if (time is None) and (fname is None):
print 'Error: must specify either the time or filename of the desired data.'
if time is not None:
# if the time is specified, get the filename
fname = self.fdict[time]
# otherwise, use the filename given
# read the CSV data file
df_inst = load_data(fname)
return df_inst
[docs] def wakedata_from_df(self, df):
"""Takes a dataframe containing wake node data at a single timestep and
returns a dictionary of the data as np.arrays.
NumPy arrays are keyed by a descriptive variable name.
df : pandas.DataFrame
data_arrays : dict
Dictionary of np.arrays containing the data.
has_node_ids : bool
True if wake element data has 'Node ID' column, False if not.
# column names
id_col_name = 'Node ID'
elem_col_name = 'Origin Node'
x_col_name = 'X/R (-)'
y_col_name = 'Y/R (-)'
z_col_name = 'Z/R (-)'
u_col_name = 'U/Uinf (-)'
v_col_name = 'V/Uinf (-)'
w_col_name = 'W/Uinf (-)'
# check if data has node IDs
if id_col_name in df:
has_node_ids = True
has_node_ids = False
print 'Warning: Wake element data does not include node IDs.'
# extract columns
elems = df.loc[:,elem_col_name].values
x = df.loc[:,x_col_name].values
y = df.loc[:,y_col_name].values
z = df.loc[:,z_col_name].values
u = df.loc[:,u_col_name].values
v = df.loc[:,v_col_name].values
w = df.loc[:,w_col_name].values
# store data as a list of np.arrays
data_arrays = {'elems' : elems,
'x' : x,
'y' : y,
'z' : z,
'u' : u,
'v' : v,
'w' : w}
# if the data has node ids, append this data to the data list
if has_node_ids:
node_ids = df.loc[:,id_col_name].values
data_arrays['node_ids'] = node_ids
return data_arrays, has_node_ids
[docs] def write_vtk_series(self, path, name,
"""Writes the wake element data to a time series of VTK files
Data is written as VTK unstructured data (.vtu). ID data is a scalar
(integer). Velocity data is a vector.
Also writes a Paraview collection file (.pvd) which contains the
normalized times of each timestep.
path : str
The path to which to write the VTK files.
name : str
The prefix of the VTK filenames.
id_flag : Optional[bool]
If True, each particle is assigned a unique ID so that it can be
tracked. If the data contains a node_ids column already, then these
will be written to the VTK file regardless of id_flag.
num_blade_elems : Optional[list]
The number of elements for each blade.
print_status: bool
True to print the status of VTK conversion, False to suppress.
data_filenames : list
List of the VTK filenames.
pvd_filename : str
.pvd collection filename.
from pyevtk.hl import pointsToVTK # evtk module - import only if this function is called
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET # xml module - "
# set the collection filename
collection_fname = name + ".pvd"
# set up blank list of the vtk filenames
data_filenames = []
# set up XML tree for PVD collection file
root = ET.Element("VTKFile")
root.set("type", "Collection")
collection = ET.SubElement(root, "Collection")
# compute number of wake element nodes
if id_flag:
num_blade_nodes = np.array(num_blade_elems) + 1
# loop through all the files, write the VTK files
for i, time in enumerate(np.sort(self.times)):
# get the system time (for elapsed time)
t_start = pytime.time()
# get the filename containing the data at current time
fname = self.fdict[time]
# base name of data file
vtk_name = name + '_' + str(i)
###### Read in the data ######
df_inst = self.get_df_inst(time=time)
data_arrays, has_node_ids = self.wakedata_from_df(df_inst)
# unpack the data from dictionary
elems = data_arrays['elems']
x = np.float32(data_arrays['x'])
y = np.float32(data_arrays['y'])
z = np.float32(data_arrays['z'])
u = np.float32(data_arrays['u'])
v = np.float32(data_arrays['v'])
w = np.float32(data_arrays['w'])
# if the data has node ids already, load the data
if has_node_ids:
node_ids = data_arrays['node_ids']
# if id_flag is set, generate new node id numbers. Note that this will overwrite loaded node ids.
if id_flag:
###### Generate node IDs ######
# generate the id numbers for the elements as an array with length of num_wake_elems
# newer elements have a higher id number.
# compute the number of wake elements at this particular timestep
num_wake_elems = len(u)
# compute the timestep number from the number of elements
elems_per_timestep = sum(num_blade_nodes)
nt = num_wake_elems/elems_per_timestep
# generate the id numbers
multiplier = np.mod((np.arange(num_wake_elems)), nt)
adder = multiplier * elems_per_timestep
node_ids = adder + elems
# otherwise, just use the node_ids that we loaded from the data set before
# convert to a uint32 (fixes some problems importing into VTK/ParaView)
node_ids = np.uint32(node_ids)
# store vector field in a dict
data = {'velocity' : (u,
'node_id' : node_ids}
# write data
data_filename = pointsToVTK(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path,vtk_name)), x, y, z, data)
# append filename to list
# add elements to XML tree for PVD collection file
dataset = ET.SubElement(collection, "DataSet")
dataset.set("timestep", str(time))
dataset.set("file", os.path.basename(data_filename))
# print status message
elapsed_time = pytime.time() - t_start
if print_status:
print 'Converted: ' + fname + ' -->\n\t\t\t' + data_filename + ' in %2.2f s\n' % (elapsed_time)
# write the collection file
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
pvd_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path,collection_fname))
tree.write(pvd_filename, xml_declaration=True)
if print_status:
print 'Wrote ParaView collection file: ' + pvd_filename
return data_filenames, pvd_filename