Source code for pyCactus.CactusRun

"""A module for parsing CACTUS run (input and output) files."""

import os
import time as pytime
import math

from CactusGeom import CactusGeom
from CactusWakeElems import CactusWakeElems
from CactusField import CactusField
from CactusProbes import CactusProbes
from CactusInput import CactusInput
from CactusBladeElem import CactusBladeElem

import warnings

from common_utils import load_data, df_subset_time_index, recursive_glob

[docs]class CactusRun(object): """Class for interrogating a CACTUS input deck. Attributes ---------- input : CactusInput class Input file class. geom : CactusGeom class Geometry data class. param_data : Pandas DataFrame Parameter data. rev_data: Pandas DataFrame Revolution-averaged data. time_data : Pandas DataFrame Time data. bladeelem_data : CactusBladeElem class Blade element data. wakeelems : CactusWakeElems class Wake element data class. field : CactusField class Field data class. probes : CactusProbes class. Probe class. nti : int Number of timesteps per iteration. tsr : float Tip speed ratio (non-dimensional). dt : float Normalized timestep length (non-dimensional). input_fname : str Input data filename. geom_fname : str Geometry data filename. param_fname : str Parameter data filename. rev_fname : str Revolution-averaged data filename. elem_fname : str Blade element data filename. time_fname : str Time data filename. wake_filenames : list List of filenames containing wake element data. field_filenames : list List of filenames containing field data. probe_filenames : list List of filenames containing probe data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, run_directory, case_name, input_fname='', geom_fname='', load_field_output=True, load_wakeelem_output=True, load_probe_output=True, wakeelem_fnames_pattern='*WakeElemData_*.csv', field_fnames_pattern='*FieldData_*.csv', probe_fnames_pattern='probe_*.csv*', quiet=False): """Initialize the class, reading some data to memory. This method relies on recursive searches within the specified run directory to find the appropriate CACTUS output files. Therefore, each run directory should only contain one set of output files (or else the behavior cannot be guaranteed). Parameters ---------- run_directory : str Path to the directory containing the CACTUS run. case_name : str 'case name' which precedes all input and output files. input_fname : Optional[str] Input filename (default `./[case_name].in`). geom_fname : Optional[str] Geometry filename (default `./[case_name].geom`) load_field_output : bool True (default) to load field data, False otherwise. load_wakeelem_output : bool True (default) to load wake element data, False otherwise. load_probe_output : bool True (default) to load probe data, False otherwise. wakeelem_fnames_pattern : Optional[str] Glob pattern for wake element data filenames (default is `*WakeElemData_*.csv`) field_fnames_pattern : Optional[str] Glob pattern for field data filenames (default is `*FieldData_*.csv`) probe_fnames_pattern : Optional[str] Glob pattern for probe filenames (default is `probe_*.csv`) quiet : Optional[bool] Set True to hide print statements (default is False). """ # if an input file is specified, use that if input_fname: self.input_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(run_directory, input_fname)) else: # otherwise, look for one using [case_name].in as a glob pattern self.input_fname = self.__find_single_file(run_directory, case_name + '.in') # if a geom file is specified, use that if geom_fname: self.geom_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(run_directory, geom_fname)) else: # otherwise, look for one using [case_name].geom as a glob pattern self.geom_fname = self.__find_single_file(run_directory, case_name + '.geom') # assemble filename patterns bladeelem_fname_pattern = case_name + '_ElementData.csv' param_fname_pattern = case_name + '_Param.csv' rev_fname_pattern = case_name + '_RevData.csv' time_fname_pattern = case_name + '_TimeData.csv' # Load the input, geometry, blade element, rev-averaged, parameter, # and time data. Only one of each file should be expected. The function # find_single_file is used to warn if multiple files (or none) are # found. # load the input namelist if self.input_fname: tic = pytime.time() self.input = CactusInput(self.input_fname) if not quiet: print 'Read input namelist in %2.2f s' % (pytime.time() - tic) else: warnings.warn("Input file not loaded.") # load geometry data if self.geom_fname: tic = pytime.time() # load the geometry data self.geom = CactusGeom(self.geom_fname) if not quiet: print 'Read geometry file in %2.2f s' % (pytime.time() - tic) else: warnings.warn("Geometry file not loaded.") # load parameter data self.param_fname = self.__find_single_file( run_directory, param_fname_pattern) if self.param_fname: tic = pytime.time() self.param_data = load_data(self.param_fname) if not quiet: print 'Read parameter data in %2.2f s' % (pytime.time() - tic) else: warnings.warn("Parameter data file not loaded.") # load revolution-averaged data self.rev_fname = self.__find_single_file( run_directory, rev_fname_pattern) if self.rev_fname: tic = pytime.time() self.rev_data = load_data(self.rev_fname) if not quiet: print 'Read revolution-averaged data in %2.2f s' %\ (pytime.time() - tic) else: warnings.warn("Revolution-averaged data file not loaded.") # load blade element data self.bladeelem_fname = self.__find_single_file( run_directory, bladeelem_fname_pattern) if self.bladeelem_fname: tic = pytime.time() self.bladeelem_data = CactusBladeElem(self.bladeelem_fname) if not quiet: print 'Read blade element data in %2.2f s' % (pytime.time() - tic) else: warnings.warn("Blade element data file not loaded.") # time data self.time_fname = self.__find_single_file( run_directory, time_fname_pattern) if self.time_fname: tic = pytime.time() self.time_data = load_data(self.time_fname) if not quiet: print 'Read time data in %2.2f s' % (pytime.time() - tic) else: warnings.warn("Time data file not loaded.") # The following sections initialize the CactusWakeElems, CactusField, # and CactusProbes classes. Initializing these classes will search for # files in the run_directory and parse the first line of each. This may # be slow, depending on the number of files # search for wake element, field files, and probe files anywhere in # the run directory if load_wakeelem_output: self.wake_filenames = sorted(recursive_glob(run_directory, wakeelem_fnames_pattern)) if self.wake_filenames: self.wakeelems = CactusWakeElems(self.wake_filenames) else: if not quiet: print 'Warning: Could not find any wake element data files \ in the work directory matching %s.' % \ (wakeelem_fnames_pattern) if load_field_output: self.field_filenames = sorted(recursive_glob(run_directory, field_fnames_pattern)) if self.field_filenames: self.field = CactusField(self.field_filenames) else: if not quiet: print 'Warning: Could not find any field data files in \ the work directory matching %s.' % \ (field_fnames_pattern) if load_probe_output: self.probe_filenames = sorted(recursive_glob(run_directory, probe_fnames_pattern)) if self.probe_filenames: self.probes = CactusProbes(self.probe_filenames) else: if not quiet: print 'Warning: Could not find any probe data files in \ the work directory matching %s.' % \ (probe_fnames_pattern) if not quiet: print 'Loaded case `%s` from path `%s`\n' % (case_name, run_directory)
##################################### # Private Functions # ##################################### def __find_single_file(self, directory, pattern): # Look for a glob pattern in a specified directory and return the # first file, throwing a warning if multiple files are found. # Return None if no files are found. results = recursive_glob(directory, pattern) # warn if we found too many files or none at all if results: if len(results) > 1: warnings.warn("Found multiple files matching %s in %s, \ using %s" % (pattern, directory, results[0]), RuntimeWarning) else: warnings.warn("Warning: Could not find file %s in %s" % (pattern, directory), RuntimeWarning) if results: return results[0] else: return None #################################### # Public Functions # ####################################
[docs] def rotor_data_at_time_index(self, time_index): """Extract a single time instance from the time dataframe. Returns the time corresponding to the given time_index, and a dataframe containing the appropriate subset of data. Parameters ---------- time_index : int An integer of the time_index Returns ------- time : float The time corresponding to the given time index df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe containing the time data at that particular instance. """ # get the data series df = self.time_data # set column names time_col_name = 'Normalized Time (-)' # extract data subset df, time = df_subset_time_index(df, time_index, time_col_name) return time, df
[docs] def rev_to_time(self, rev): """Compute the normalized time from a revolution.""" timestep_number = rev * self.nti return timestep_number * self.dt
[docs] def time_to_rev(self, time): """Compute the fractional revolution from a normalized time.""" return time / (self.nti * self.dt)
[docs] def rev_to_timestep(self, rev): """Compute the normalized time from a fractional revolution.""" tol = 1e-5 timestep = rev * self.nti if (timestep % 1) > tol: warnings.warn("The computed timestep is not within %e of an \ integer, but it was rounded to an integer value." % tol) return int(timestep)
@property def nti(self): """Simulation nti parameter (timesteps per iteration). Extracted from the input namelist file.""" return self.input.namelist['configinputs']['nti'] @property def tsr(self): """Simulation tsr parameter (tip speed ratio).""" return self.param_data['TSR (-)'].values[0] @property def dt(self): """The simulation timestep (non-dimensional).""" return 2 * math.pi / (self.tsr * self.nti) @property def period(self): """The simulation time for one revolution period (non-dimensional).""" return self.dt * self.nti