Source code for pyCactus.CactusGeom

import numpy as np

[docs]class CactusGeom(object): """Class for parsing CACTUS geometry data. Attributes ---------- globalvars : dict Global variables from geometry file. blades : list List of dicts of blade geometry variables. struts : list List of dicts of strut geometry variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, geom_filename): """Initializes the class, reads in geometry data to class attributes.""" # read the geometry file into public variables # globalvars, blades, and struts are dictionaries whose index values # are the variable names as strings self.globalvars, self.blades, self.struts = self.read_geom(geom_filename) # calculate the radial positions of blade elements # (useful for calculating torques/moments, and for plotting against radial position on # axial flow turbines) self.__calculate_r_elem() self.__calculate_dr_elem()
##################################### ######### Private Functions ######### ##################################### def __calculate_r_elem(self): """Calculates the non-dimensionalized distance from blade elements to\ the rotation axis.""" for blade_num, blade in enumerate(self.blades): # allocate space for an array r_temp = np.zeros(blade['NElem']) # get the coordinates element centers pex = blade['PEx'] pey = blade['PEy'] pez = blade['PEz'] # get axis of rotation and rotation axis coincident point rot_axis = self.globalvars['RotN'] rot_coincident = self.globalvars['RotP'] # reshape, loop through the points positions = np.transpose(np.vstack((pex,pey,pez))) for elem_num, element_center in enumerate(positions): r_temp[elem_num] = self.distance_to_rotation_axis(element_center, rot_axis, rot_coincident) self.blades[blade_num]['r_over_R_elem'] = r_temp def __calculate_dr_elem(self): """Calculates the non-dimensionalized dr distribution.""" for blade_num, blade in enumerate(self.blades): # allocate space for an array dr_temp = np.zeros(blade['NElem']) # get the location of element node points (based on quarter chord lines) qcx = blade['QCx'] qcy = blade['QCy'] qcz = blade['QCz'] # get axis of rotation and rotation axis coincident point rot_axis = self.globalvars['RotN'] rot_coincident = self.globalvars['RotP'] # for each node location node_locations = np.transpose(np.vstack((qcx,qcy,qcz))) for elem_num, node_loc_pair in enumerate(zip(node_locations[:-1], node_locations[1:])): # get the endpoints of node and subsequent node node_A = node_loc_pair[0] node_B = node_loc_pair[1] # compute radial location of both r_over_R_A = self.distance_to_rotation_axis(node_A, rot_axis, rot_coincident) r_over_R_B = self.distance_to_rotation_axis(node_B, rot_axis, rot_coincident) # compute dr as the distance between radial location of node and next node dr_temp[elem_num] = r_over_R_B - r_over_R_A self.blades[blade_num]['dr_over_R'] = dr_temp #################################### ######### Public Functions ######### ####################################
[docs] def read_geom(self, filename, blade_num_lines=24, strut_num_lines=18,): """Reads data from a CACTUS .geom file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The geometry filename. blade_num_lines : int Number of lines of data per blade. strut_num_lines : int Number of lines of data per strut. Returns ------- globalvars : dict Global variables from geometry file. blade : list List of dicts of blade geometry variables. strut : list List of dicts of strut geometry variables. """ def read_block(lines): int_vars = ['NElem', 'FlipN'] block_vars = {} for line in lines: # split the line at the colon var_name, value = (line.strip()).split(':') # if the variable is an integer, cast it as such if var_name in int_vars: values = map(int, (value.strip()).split()) block_vars[var_name] = values # otherwise, store it as a float np.array else: values = np.array((value.strip()).split(), dtype=np.float) block_vars[var_name] = values return block_vars int_vars = ['iSect', 'NBlade', 'NStrut'] string_vars = ['Type'] # open the file for reading f = open(filename, 'r') # initialize dict for global variables global_vars = {} # initialize empty list for blade and strut variables blade = [] strut = [] # initialize lists for starting line numbers of blades and struts blade_line_nums = [] strut_line_nums = [] # read file line by line with open(filename, 'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() for line_num, line in enumerate(lines): # split the line at the colon if line.strip(): var_name, value = (line.strip()).split(':') else: break # if the variable name is Blade or Strut, take note of the line number if var_name.startswith('Blade'): blade_line_nums.append(line_num) if var_name.startswith('Strut'): strut_line_nums.append(line_num) # starting at the beginning, read in the global variables for line in lines[:min(blade_line_nums + strut_line_nums)]: var_name, value = (line.strip()).split(':') # if the variable is an integer or string, cast it as such if var_name in int_vars: values = map(int, (value.strip()).split()) global_vars[var_name] = values elif var_name in string_vars: values = str(value) global_vars[var_name] = values # otherwise, cast it as a float np.array else: values = np.array((value.strip()).split(), dtype=np.float) global_vars[var_name] = values # read in the blocks for line_start in blade_line_nums: blade.append(read_block(lines[line_start:line_start + blade_num_lines + 1])) for line_start, line_end in zip(strut_line_nums, strut_line_nums[1:]): strut.append(read_block(lines[line_start:line_start + strut_num_lines + 1])) return global_vars, blade, strut
[docs] def distance_to_rotation_axis(self, p, n, a): """Computes the distance between a point and a rotation axis. Parameters ---------- p : numpy.array The coordinates of the point. n : numpy.array Vector of the rotation axis. a : numpy.array Coincident point of the rotation axis. """ return np.linalg.norm((a-p) -, n)*n)